Oct 25, 2008

Control is for losing

Well since I started this blog I must come off mysterious and weird. Since basically there is 0 info about me.
So , things that you should probably know.

--I am 13
-- I'm in the 8th grade
-- I'm home schooled
-- I have four other brothers no sisters(2brothers still live with, the others have places of their own)
-- I am currently in the process of moving, from the East Coast to the Midwest

OK enough of the list, but that's pretty much it.My clothes are limited because of the packing situation , but I'll try to get a couple of outfit post soon.But alas, I will have to use my web cam because, my lumix camera has been freaking out.
Now to make this post a little less boring, here is my favorite song of the moment.


Marri said...

Not boring, I likey the song! :) It's alright about the packing thing. :D

love you.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, where-ish in the Midwest are you moving to? I live in Wisconsin, so just curious :]

Mary said...

that video definitely kept me entertained for like ten minutes! so sweet

you look much older than 13, ahah.

Anonymous said...

i have NEVER heard of that song... but ya no i never heard of it

Lauren and Jennifer said...

Hey I live in chicago. Love your blog.